1 On campus, it is sometimes easier to walk from the dorms to classes and campus events. Farnham Hall is close to Connecticut Hall and the Adanti Student Center. However, North Campus is a farther walk. Depending on where students live, or where commuters park, it can be a long or short walk to campus destination.
2 Biking is a sustainable way to travel. It helps get exercise. It is a fast way to travel if a student is running late. And can boost endorphins and creativity making students ready for class. There are bike racks close to every campus building for students to park their bikes.
3 Skateboarding helps students zip their way across campus and is a sustainable modality.
Shuttle Bus
4 The shuttles have many bus stops around campus close to each building. Students need to plan enough time for multiple stops. The live shuttle bus tracker is available on: https://inside.southernct.edu/shuttle-services.
5 Scooters are seen less often on campus compared to other forms of transportation. Watch out for pedestrians.
By: Sarah Shelton